Application Advice from Hertz Fellows

From drafting your personal essays to selecting references, Hertz Fellows offer their perspective on how to make the most of the Hertz Fellowship application process.

2025 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session (August 2024)

2024 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session (August 2023)

2023 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session (August 2022)

Reflections from Hertz Fellows

2025 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session

In August 2024, Hertz Fellowship Director Derek Haseltine and Hertz Fellows Amani Maina-Kilaas, Maddie Urbanek, and Jennifer Schloss shared information about the Hertz Fellowship and provide advice from foundation leadership and fellowship recipients to help prepare your application.

Complete Zoom Session (50 minutes)

Tips on Writing the Personal Statement

Hertz Fellowship Application: Tips for References

Advice for Seeking References

How to Help Your References

How to Prepare for Hertz Fellowship Interviews

What are Hertz Fellowship Application Interviewers Looking for?

How to Approach the Hertz Fellowship Application

Considerations for the Hertz Fellowship Application

Changing Your Research Direction after the Hertz Fellowship Application

2024 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session

In August 2023, Hertz Fellowship Director Derek Haseltine and Hertz Fellows Nikhil Bhattasali, Bailey Flanigan, and Jane Wang hosted an online information session to help interested applicants learn more about this unique doctoral funding opportunity.

Complete Zoom Session (50 minutes)

How to articulate your research vision

What does the selection committee look for in references?

Preparing for your Hertz Fellowship interview

What if you get stuck during your Hertz Fellowship interview?

2023 Hertz Fellowship Application Info Session

In August 2022, Hertz Fellowship Director Derek Haseltine and Hertz Fellows Jessica Seeliger, Vivek Nair and Lila Neahring discussed this unique doctoral funding opportunity and provided advice to help prepare the 2023 Hertz Fellowship application.

Complete Zoom Session (1 hour)

Components of the Hertz Fellowship Application

Hertz Fellow Jessica Seeliger, associate professor at Stony Brook University, discusses the various components of the Hertz Fellowship application and tips for preparing each part.

What we Look for in Hertz Fellowship Applicants

Hertz Fellow Jessica Seeliger, associate professor at Stony Brook University, provides insights into the Hertz Fellowship review process and the characteristics that set applicants apart.

Tips on What to Emphasize in Your Hertz Fellowship Application

Hertz Fellow Lila Neahring, doctoral student at the University of California, San Francisco, shares tips on what to emphasize when applying to the Hertz Fellowship application.

Choosing References for Your Hertz Fellowship Application

Hertz Fellow Jessica Seeliger, associate professor at Stony Brook University, discusses the importance of choosing the “right” references for your Hertz Fellowship application.

Reflections from Hertz Fellows

Hertz Fellows from a variety of scientific disciplines and fellowship classes share their experiences going through the application process and what it means to be part of the Hertz community.

How I Learned about the Hertz Fellowship

Hertz Fellows share how they first learned about the Hertz Fellowship and what motivated them to apply, and describe how going through the application process is a valuable experience.

Hertz Fellows Invite You to Apply

Hertz Fellows share their experiences as part of the broader community of Hertz Fellowship recipients and encourage prospective candidates to submit an application.

Adele Payman

“Experiences that don’t end in success can still be a compelling part of your story. It’s often the disappointments that help us find our path in life.”

Adele Payman Arrow Right
2023 Hertz Fellow

Vivek Nair

“Practice explaining your work to someone in a totally different field in a way that even they can quickly comprehend why it’s important but also why your work is unique.”

Vivek Nair Arrow Right
2022 Hertz Fellow

Isabel  Orlanes Gallegos

“A lot of my motivations and inspiration for research come from things I do outside of that, whether that be my family or extracurriculars. Being able to showcase that was important for me and important to who I am.”

Madeleine  Urbanek

“You want to present yourself as more than just an accomplished researcher, but also a human being with diverse interests and motivations that ideally are sort of suited for helping the public good.”