Todd Gingrich, PhD

2008 Hertz Fellow
Todd Gingrich

Todd Gingrich is a Physics of Living Systems Fellow at MIT in the Department of Physics. He is interested in statistical fluctuations in biophysical dynamical processes. In particular, he studies fluctuations away from the mean dynamical behavior in out-of-equilibrium driven processes. He recently accepted an assistant professorship in Northwestern’s Department of Chemistry to study the out-of-equilibrium chemical kinetics, starting in Summer 2018.

With his Hertz Foundation Fellowship, Todd completed his PhD in chemistry at UC Berkeley, supervised by Professor Phill Geissler. During his graduate work, he was recognized as the top first year physical chemistry graduate student with the Dan Lucas Memorial Book Prize and received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award for his work teaching undergraduate statistical mechanics. Todd’s work on large deviations and dynamics phase transitions appeared in Physical Review Letters, PNAS, and others. Prior to studying at Berkeley, he obtained a BS in chemistry, with honors, from the California Institute of Technology. At Caltech, Todd studied the photocatalytic behavior of mixed metal oxides with Professor Nate Lewis and received the Schuster Prize for undergraduate chemistry research. Todd also received a MSc in theoretical chemistry from University College, Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar with Dr. Mark Wilson.

Graduate Studies

University of California, Berkeley
Two Paths Diverged: Exploring Trajectories, Protocols, and Dynamic Phases

Undergraduate Studies

California Institute of Technology


2008, Rhodes Scholar, Rhodes Trust

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