Susy Kim

Susy Kim is the campaign and stewardship operations manager at the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation. In this role, she helps manage the foundation’s strategic fundraising priorities, including event planning, data reporting and analysis, and volunteer leadership support.
Once a chemical engineer and financial analyst at leading institutions such as Monsanto Company, Arthur D. Little, CIGNA and The Vanguard Group, Susy traded in her beakers and financial models for school admissions and fundraising work. She most recently served as Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, where she managed outreach, recruitment, and enrollment activities for prospective and incoming families.
Susy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering and a Master of Business Administration in finance from the University of Michigan. An avid photographer and videographer, Susy enjoys capturing the happiness of family gatherings, awe from children making wishes at the holidays, and the excitement from performing on stage.