Dick Miles, PhD

Professor Richard (Dick) Miles is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M.
Professor Miles received his B.S. in 1966, M.S. and 1967, and Ph.D. in 1972 all from Stanford University in Electrical Engineering. While at Stanford he was a Fannie and John Hertz Fellow. He joined the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering faculty at Princeton University in the Fall of 1972. From 1980 to 1996 he served as Chairman of Engineering Physics. He was named Robert Porter Patterson Professor in 2011 and became Emeritus and Senior Scholar at Princeton on June 30, 2013. In February 2017 he joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University as TEES Distinguished Research Professor and in 2019 was named University Distinguished Professor.
His research focuses on the use of lasers, electron beams, microwaves and magnetic devices to observe, control, accelerate, extract power and precondition gas flows for supersonic and hypersonic fluid dynamics, combustion, propulsion and homeland defense applications. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a member of the Board of Directors of the Fannie & John Hertz Foundation, a member of the Board of Directors of Precision Optics Corporation, Inc., a Member of the Board of Trustees of Pacific University (Forest Grove, OR), an AIAA Representative to the Elmer A. Sperry Board of Award and a Fellow of the AIAA and the Optical Society of America. He was the recipient of the AIAA Aerodynamics Measurement Award and Medal in 2000 and the AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Award and Medal in 2012.
Hertz Foundation Role
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
2015, 8th Annual Gerard M. Faeth Memorial Lecture, University of Michigan
2012, AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Award and Medal
2011, National Academy of Engineering
2011, Malina Lecture, Texas A& M University
2010, Lasers in Aerospace Lecture, AFOSR Laser Fest Celebrating 50 Years of the Laser
2000, Fellow of the AIAA
2000, AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Award and Medal
1998, Fellow of the Optical Society of America