Ofer Grossman

Ofer Grossman is the founder of Advanced Math Tutoring. His company matches high-level Math Olympiad students with qualified tutors.
Ofer has a PhD from MIT in theoretical computer science. He has been a member of the Israeli IMO team, and placed in the top 15 in the Putnam Competition. Ofer is an instructor for the SPARC summer camp, and has instructed at the Israeli IMO team training camp.
He is interested in the fundamental possibilities and limitations of computation. In particular, he is interested in distributed and parallel computing, and the role of randomization in computation.
As an undergraduate at MIT, Ofer contributed to the field of derandomization and pseudo-deterministic algorithms. With Professor Shafi Goldwasser he showed how to pseudo-deterministically find perfect matchings in parallel on bipartite graphs. With Professor Dana Moshkovitz he has developed general methods for derandomization, and with Merav Parter he has developed improved deterministic distributed algorithms for spanner construction. Also, he discovered a pseudo-deterministic algorithm for generating primitive roots modulo primes.
Ofer was born in Israel, and has lived in the USA since the age of twelve.