Jordan Edmunds, PhD

Jordan Edmunds is a software engineer at Meta.
Jordan completed his PhD in electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He specialized in the fabrication of neural interfaces— tools for studying and interacting with the brain.
Jordan was born in Payson, Utah, and grew up in San Diego, California. As an undergraduate at the University of California, Irvine, where Jordan earned dual degrees in electrical engineering and biological sciences, he created devices that connect with the human nervous system. The work included developing an electrical stimulator to elicit muscle contractions and restore movement to paraplegics. Work on the full system continued at the UCI Brain-Computer Interface Lab. He worked closely with Michel Maharbiz, the co-inventor of tiny, wireless sensors called “neural dust” for use as biomedical implants.
A passionate educator, Jordan has created more than 120 videos on key topics in electrical engineering, many of which are the most-viewed for their topic on YouTube. As a member of the “Be A Scientist Program” at Berkeley, he also enjoys helping local middle schoolers conduct their own science experiments. His favorite student quote, for its eloquence and accuracy: “I was amazed how messy science really is.”