Emmy Blumenthal

Emmy Blumenthal investigates emergent phenomena in ecological models by developing and extending theoretical techniques from statistical physics. Their work seeks to expand the mathematical toolkit for analyzing complex systems with dense, disordered interactions.
They are currently a biophysics theory post-baccalaureate researcher at Boston University (BU), and they will be attending Princeton University for a doctorate in physics.
Blumenthal graduated with a bachelor’s in mathematics and physics from BU, receiving the physics department’s highest award presented to undergraduates. While attending BU, Blumenthal uncovered and explained new phenomena and perspectives in ecological models, including the discovery of a phase transition in ecological communities experiencing non-reciprocal interactions with their environment, leading to chaotic dynamics. Blumenthal’s work not only deepens understanding of ecological systems, but it also introduces novel methods for studying complex network dynamics.
Originally from Salt Lake City, Blumenthal first found a passion for the physical sciences in middle school, leading them to independently study physics throughout high school. Their independent study was only possible through the free access to textbooks at the University of Utah’s library, inspiring them to become a contributor to projects like Wikipedia and the Julia language, which seek to democratize access to scientific knowledge and tools. Similarly, as an undergraduate student, they served as a physics learning assistant, and they were a member of BU Wizards, a group of students that presents science demonstrations at underserved Boston-area after-school programs.