Elaine Kant, PhD

Elaine Kant is the President of SciComp Inc. and the Chief Scientist at the Querium Corporation.
Elaine is a recognized leader in the field of software synthesis. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Doctoral degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. She has written numerous books, chapters, and technical papers on software synthesis, understanding and automating algorithm design, and scientific computing environments. Elaine is the chief architect of the SciNapse system, focusing on how to represent the mathematical knowledge in SciNapse’s problem-solving engines.
Her research interests include: automating the synthesis of software from high-level, domain specific languages; designing and automating the production of stepwise mathematics tutoring systems.
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
1997, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement in Science
Fellow, American Association of Artificial Intelligence