David Van Valen, MD, PhD

David Van Valen is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Biology and Bioengineering at Caltech.
Before becoming faculty, he studied mathematics (B.S. 2003) and physics (B.S. 2003) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, applied physics (Ph.D. 2011) at Caltech, medicine (M.D. 2013) at UCLA, and bioengineering as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University.
At Caltech, his research group develops new technologies at the intersection of imaging, genomics, and machine learning to produce quantitative measurements of living systems with single-cell resolution.
David is the recipient of several awards, including a Hertz Fellowship (2005), a Rita Allen Scholar award (2020), A Pew-Stewart Cancer Research Scholar award (2021), a Heritage Medical Research Investigator award (2021), a Moore Inventor Fellowship (2021), and the NIH New Innovator award (2022).
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