Cameron Geddes, PhD

Cameron Geddes is the director of the Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Division, and a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
He leads the division in inventing, developing, and deploying particle accelerators and photon sources to extend the frontiers of science, as well as systems for fusion and related areas of applied physics. His research focuses on study of laser driven plasma waves to create next-generation compact particle accelerators for high energy physics and and photon sources, advanced laser technologies, and high energy density science. Related research spans nuclear nonproliferation, large-scale simulations, and magnetic and inertial fusion.
Cameron is the recipient of several honors, including the Hertz Foundation Thesis Prize, the American Physical Society (APS) Apker Award, fellow of APS, and the APS John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research. Cameron holds a BA in physics from Swarthmore College and a PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley.
Hertz Foundation Role
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
2022, Raymond Sidney Volunteer Leadership Award, Fannie & John Hertz Foundation
2019, U.S. Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) Prize for Achievement in Accelerator Science and Technology, USPAS
2016, Fellow, American Physical Society
2010, John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research, American Physical Society
2006, Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award, American Physical Society
2005, Hertz Thesis Prize, Fannie & John Hertz Foundation
1997, LeRoy Apker Award, American Physical Society
1995, National Undergraduate Fellowship in Plasma Physics, U.S. Dept. of Energy.