Anjali Gurajapu

Anjali Gurajapu is interested in leveraging computation for organic synthesis to develop reactions and synthesize complex structures relevant to human health.
As advancements in high-throughput technologies enable data collection on larger scales, Gurajapu looks forward to exploring how data-driven workflows and quantum mechanical calculations can improve the efficiency of reaction optimization while probing the factors that drive divergent reactivity.
Gurajapu will graduate from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2023 with bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and data science. She will start a doctoral program in chemistry at the California Institute of Technology in fall 2023.
After an internship with Merck’s Modeling and Informatics team, she now works in Professor Thomas Maimone’s lab synthesizing shape-shifting molecules and using base and light to generate diverse molecular skeletons.
Gurajapu was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, and she spends most of her free time painting and teaching introductory computer science.