Aly Lidayan
Aly Lidayan is a Computer Science Ph.D. student at the UC Berkeley Center for Human Compatible AI. Her research interests include exploration and intrinsic motivation, lifelong learning, and learning hierarchical abstractions in both humans and AI agents.
Before that, Aly was a Machine Learning research scientist studying prediction and human motion simulation for autonomous driving at Uber ATG. A 2018 graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she received her BS in math with computer science. Her undergraduate research experiences spanned genomics, systems neuroscience, machine learning, and computational cognitive science. The common thread in her broad range of interests is the design and use of computational methods to investigate and model complex systems, with a particular focus on natural and artificial intelligence.
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
2018, Randolph G. Wei Undergraduate Research Award, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2018, Data Science Prize, MakeMIT
2017, Amgen Scholarship, Amgen Foundation
2020, EECS Excellence Award, UC Berkeley