Eric Larson, PhD

Eric Larson is a postdoc in mathematics at Stanford University, who will be joining the faculty at the University of Washington in fall 2020. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but spent most of his childhood in Eugene, Oregon. He has been interested in mathematics since the fifth grade, when he saw Euclid’s proofs of the infinitude of primes and the irrationality of the square root of two. His various honors in math include a gold medal at the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad, first place in the Intel Science Talent Search, a Putnam fellow (top 5) in 2012, receiving the Moran prize in 2014, and receiving an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in 2018. During graduate school, Mr. Larson’s research focused on algebraic curves, including the problem of Maximal Rank and the problem of Interpolation. At Stanford, he has continued his research in algebraic geometry and related fields, studying questions related to moduli spaces of curves and stability of vector bundles.
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
2018, Hertz Thesis Prize, Fannie & John Hertz Foundation