2014 New Fellows Orientation
First Impressions

The Hertz New Fellows Orientation jump-started my engagement with the Hertz Community and empowered me to take full advantage of the Hertz Fellowship. The orientation, run by the rockstar staff in Livermore, describes the Hertz Events held throughout the year and helps new Fellows understand their role in the Hertz Community.
I met the Hertz Staff, the Fellows selected in my year, and some in-school Fellows that shared experiences of the Fellowship on their research. Coming into the orientation I had heard, and hoped, that the Hertz Fellowship enables students to take research risks and affords the freedom to pursue the biggest-impact projects. Hearing the in-school Fellows talk about their research and finding the support of the Hertz Staff proved it to me. I am so thankful to have had this experience so early on in my research.
The Hertz Staff also reviewed the Fellowship process at the orientation, which really helped contextualize the Fellowship and the amazing group of people I found myself surrounded by. If possible, I left feeling even luckier than when I first heard news that I received the Hertz Fellowship, and far more respectful of the effort that the Foundation makes to select the new members of the community.
Most importantly, I started building relationships with Fellows in the Hertz Community. My cohort is incredible and we made sure to take time at the orientation to hang out and get to know each other informally. By the end of the weekend, being a part of the Hertz Community no longer felt just like an honor, but like finding a home, and I cannot wait to continue getting to know and collaborating with the members of this amazing organization.