Andy Huibers, PhD

1992 Hertz Fellow
Andrew Huibers
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Andy Huibers, Hertz Fellow 1992, gets teased a lot about bumping into people. Andy wrote the original Bump App in 2009, which has been installed on 130 million iOS/Android phones. He received his BS in EE in 1992 from Princeton, followed by an MS and PhD in EE from Stanford. Andy’s love of physics led to a PhD on coherent electronic transport, and a professional career building a variety of opto-electronic devices and optical measurement systems. He was the founder and CTO of Refl ectivity and a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Texas Instruments, and is an inventor on 112 patents.

Graduate Studies

Stanford University
Electrical Engineering
Electron Transport and Dephasing in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Undergraduate Studies

Princeton University